Spoof Theater

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Spoof Theater  Empty Spoof Theater

Post by TalesofNine Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:35 pm

Share a laugh in the comedy theater. Share your humor here!

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"Vive la France!"

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Spoof Theater  Empty Re: Spoof Theater

Post by TalesofNine Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:31 pm

Fate/Final Order Spoof

Lady Cypris: I've gathered you all here because I've noticed you modern humans are severely misinformed about my role in the olympian pantheon! That God of War game is simply awful.
Gabriel: If you have time to play video games maybe you could help out more.
Cypris: Hush! Anyway, as you know I am a goddess of love which encompasses all aspects of love. I am not just some sex obsessed fiend like... Priapus.
EMIYA: News to me
Cypris: ...Anyway. We Olympians and our worshipers the dear Greeks have a very in-depth and complex understanding of love with different varieties. There's levels such as Philia the bond between friends which we all share. Storge the blessed love between parent and child like my love for my darling Eros. And of course his namesake Eros, which is the strong passionate feelings between lovers! There's many forms of this love in this very room.
Beth: What of those three if I may?
Cypris: I'm glad you ask. Well there's the Philia between you and your fellow masters. You and Hannibal share a strong Storge.
Beth: Really? Hannibal?
Hannibal: I um... I suppose we have bonded quite a bit eh master? haha
Cypris: Isn't that sweet. But there's also a lot of eros among us... So much eros.
Cypris: Like that frowny Caster and Gabriel over there.
Everyone: Well that was obvious.
Cypris: Heracles and Vlad over there have been bonding quit-
Vlad: Stop now.
Cypris: Then of course there is Ariel's feelings for- *Gunshots*
Ariel: this meeting is over.

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"Vive la France!"

Posts : 8066
Join date : 2018-07-24
Age : 28
Location : USA


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